Register to Vote, Change Your Registration Name, and Change Your Registration Address
Looking to register to vote? Did you recently move or change your name and need to update your registration? Choose one of the options below to register!
ONLINE: if you have an Illinois driver's license or state ID, you may register online through the Illinois State Board of Elections website. Use this ID card to register to vote or to change your name or address.
- You may register online at your new address using an IL state ID or IL driver's license that still has your old address.
- Starting January 1, 2024, 16-year-olds may pre-register to vote online through the Illinois State Board of Elections website - 16-year-olds will have their application held in abeyance until voting age.
In Person at Early Voting: You must show two (2) forms of ID. At least one (1) ID must list your current address.
- Available at all Early Voting sites, including 51 sites open as Vote Centers on Election Day.
- Acceptable forms of ID.
At Your Precinct Polling Place on Election Day: You must show two (2) forms of ID. At least one (1) ID must list your current address.
- You may also register at 51 Early Voting sites open as Vote Centers on Election Day.
- Acceptable forms of ID
At the Illinois Secretary of State's Office if also obtaining a new driver's license or state ID during that visit.
By Mail: Use this downloadable form. Fill it in, print, sign, and deliver or mail it in to 69 W. Washington St. 6th Floor, Chicago, IL, 60602.
- Illinois Voter Registration Form - English
- Illinois Voter Registration Form - Spanish
- Illinois Voter Registration Form - Chinese
- Illinois Voter Registration Form - Hindi
- Illinois Voter Registration Form - Polish
- Illinois Voter Registration Form - Korean
- Illinois Voter Registration Form - Tagalog
With a Deputy Registrar: Contact political parties or civic organizations to see if there is a deputy registrar near you. You must show two (2) forms of ID. At least one (1) ID must list your current address.
After your voter registration form is processed, the Election Board will mail a new voter card.
Qualifications to Register to Vote
To register to vote, you must:
- be a U.S. citizen
- be 17 years old on or before the date of the Primary Election (3/19/2024) and turn 18 on or before the date of the General Election (11/5/2024)
- 16-year-olds may pre-register to vote online by using the Illinois State Board of Elections website and will have their application held in abeyance until voting age.
- live in your precinct at least 30 days before the election
- not claim the right to vote elsewhere
- not be in prison/jail serving time for a conviction.
- Note: returning citizens who have been released from prison/jail and who meet all other requirements listed above are eligible to register and vote in Illinois. People who have been released and are on parole/probation are eligible to register and vote in Illinois.
Updating Your Signature on Your Voter Registration
Looking to update your signature on your voter registration? Use one of the forms below!
Or stop into 69 W. Washington with two forms of ID (one with your current address) and Board staff will assist you.
Please note: you must fill out the registration form completely for it to be processed. For #3, please choose "Apply to register to vote in Illinois."
- Form 275 - New Signature - English
- Form 275 - New Signature - Spanish
- Form 275 - New Signature - Chinese
- Form 275 - New Signature - Hindi
- Form 275 - New Signature - Polish
- Form 275 - New Signature - Korean
- Form 275 - New Signature - Tagalog
Checking Your Voter Registration Status
Click here to check the status of your voter registration
New Registration Card
If you need a new or replacement voter-registration card, please send an email with "Need Registration Card" in the subject line. Be sure to include your full name, your Chicago address and your year of birth in your email to: [email protected]
To Cancel a Voter Registration
To cancel a registration, the voter must send a signed letter or a signed copy of this form to:
Voter Registration
Chicago Election Board
69 W Washington St., Suite 600
Chicago IL 60602
Reporting a Death
To report the death of a voter, you may send an email to [email protected] with the full name, registration address, birth year and other identifying information of the deceased. The Election Board will attempt to verify the information through the Illinois Vital Records System and then cancel that registration.